Chinchillas are a variety of the Persian cat. The Chinchilla is classed as a "silver" cat. Chinchillas of today have a quiet, gentle and dear, would be suitable for everyone with the exception of small children, the same applies to all types of Persian cat.
They will need grooming daily in the cooler months or less frequently when not in full coat. It only takes a few minutes is all it takes. This can be done while you watch TV or being relaxed on the terrace. Of course the exotics (lazy mans Persian) need hardly any grooming at all which makesthem a perfect choice for the busy, working person who still wishes to have a cat with the beauty of the chinchilla.
Coat Colour
The Chinchilla undercoat should be pure white, the coat on the back, legs, flanks, head, ears and tail being tipped with black, this tipping evenly distributed giving the characteristic sparkling appearance. The face and legs may be very slightly shaded with the tipping but the chin , ear tufts, stomach and chest must be pure white. Any cream or brown tinge or tabby markings is considered a fault. Ideally the hocks should be unblemished.
Eye colour:
Emerald or blue/green.
Nose Leather:
Brick red, outlined with penciling of black.
Chinchilla Cat Breed Profile Chinchilla Personality

Chinchillas are generally very placid, quiet cats, happy to lie around the home being decorative. They are affectionate, easy to adapt to the environment, enjoy attention and can become quite attached to their owners.
Chinchillas are ideally suited to flats or houses as many prefer to spend much of their day inside. The long white coat does shed a lot of hair which will become worse when the winter coat is dropping. While every day will reduce the amount of hair combing warehouses, still will include clothing and furniture.
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